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IPFS News Link • Political Theory

Is there anyone left that will fight against evil that is destroying our country.

•, southernprepper1

What are leaders in Washington spending our taxpayer money on.

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Comment by PureTrust
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Is there anyone who is 300-years-old? Seems like everyone dies, some sooner, some later. The USA was founded on Christian values. But lately, even the Christians are turning away from the godly way. Check out the Bible Old Testament and see what happened to Ancient Israel, over and over again, when they turned away from God, and then turned back to Him again. | The Savior of our country did His work of salvation about 2,000 years ago. It includes saving the whole world - all the people of the world who will accept Him - that is, accept God. We are simply getting what we asked for by walking in the ways in which we are walking. | Uphold God and His way, and spread the knowledge of Him to all the illegals coming into the country. Do this, and He just might have mercy on us as He did on Ancient Israel time and again.