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IPFS News Link • Deep State- Shadow Government

The Psychological Battle for Truth -- and the Power of the Farmers' Uprising

•, By Julian Rose

And in this it is very clever, using sophisticated psychological techniques that give the impression of holding the dominant position and exercising the dominant power.

But this is a chimera; and immediately one sees it as such one manifests the authoritative position and the deep state is in check; it can only operate defensively.

This it does by putting up ever greater barriers to freedom of expression, movement and choice.

It knows it's on the losing side, so has to pull all the tricks in the trade to make itself appear to be in control. It's a psychological battlefield.

Edward Bernays, the founder of modern advertising, has had much to do with weaponising the powers of perception and deception. He found that you can get people to believe and do almost anything once you learn how to exploit their psyche with carefully chosen imagery and words.

Once you tap into people's widespread subconscious attraction to the trappings of seductive consumables.

The deep state's corporate/banker led 'seeming' global dominance draws on Bernays's cunning, using advanced insights concerning how to influence the functions of different areas of the human brain.

The objective is to come up with a blanket like web of virtual signposting pointing to the direction life must go in in order to overcome some purposefully manufactured crisis. A crisis that is claimed will otherwise cook, starve or destroy people and the planet.

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