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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Movies

Diehard Fans Are Bringing Astonishing Prop Replicas to a Garage Near You

•, By Joseph Flaherty
 If that sounds crazy, it's only because you haven't spent enough time at the Replica Prop Forum, aka The RPF, where makers transform foam mats, styrene sheets, and their passion for pop culture into miniature Millennium Falcons, oversized Autobots, and other box office bling.

The RPF began in 1995 when teenage prop maker Brandon Alinger was looking to talk shop with like-minded, crafty cinephiles. Inspired by Star Wars and the creative ways George Lucas turned everyday items into movie magic (e.g. using an old time camera flash as a light saber handle), Alinger wanted to make it easier for enthusiasts to find the parts to create their own props. He got busy coding and the site was born.

Today, the RPF hosts thousands of projects in its galleries and message boards. Some threads are just fans admiring new props and potential projects from movie trailers.

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