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AXE Is Actually Sending 22 Regular People To Outer Space

• Business Insider
The company (known for its commercials in which women rip their clothes off as soon as they get a whiff of the spray deodorant) even partnered up with actual astronaut Buzz Aldrin to give the program a greater sense of legitimacy:

"Space travel for everyone is the next frontier in the human experience," Aldrin said. "I'm thrilled that AXE is giving the young people of today such an extraordinary opportunity to experience some of what I've encountered in space."

Between January 9 and February 3, people from 60 countries can apply for 22 open spots at the newly-formed AXE Apollo Space Academy. Winners will train and win a trip to the edge of space and back in a private spaceship.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
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Because constipated people can't go in outer space?  ;-)