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IPFS News Link • Secession

Two Letters Re: Secession in These United States

•, C.D.P.
 Taking your original argument that the Federals would not allow Redoubters to go in peace – then most likely the Feds would immediately cut off all “benefits” paid to those who reside within the American Redoubt.

It is unlikely Social Security would be cut off because there is no problem presently paying SS to ex-pats who have chosen to retire in foreign countries, Honduras, The Bahamas, Spain, etc etc. By what logic would it be different here?

As for others who are dependent on “transfer payments” without doubt there would be an immediate rush for the exits. Hundreds of thousands of “disabled”, “professional minorities”, college-professors, bureaucrats, IRS agents, EPA officers and other marginal and non-producers would hit the exit ramps.

Overnight our welfare, Medicaid, and 80% of our crime problem would be solved.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by normnip
Entered on:

Very good letters, more so the second one.