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IPFS News Link • TAXES: Federal

The 47% Aren't Really The Problem. Its The 53% That Are REALLY Causing The Trouble!

• L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise
No, I didn't roll over and become a useless fucking socialist. I mean it. The problem is people paying taxes. We need to stop it from occuring anymore. Taxes are the lifeblood of government. Taxes enable the government to buy votes from certain groups. Taxes enable government to spend money to regulate our lives. Taxes enable the government to "provide services" that "everybody needs", which they then use to buy even more votes AND justify even more taxes. In other words, to justify their existence. 

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

How the hell you could miss the mark this much is beyond me. The government has a printing press via the Fed! Remember?

Comment by Larry Stuler
Entered on:

       The definition of "taxpayer" is at 26 CFR 2.1-1(a)(5):  "A citizen who has established, or seeks to establish, a reserve construction fund under the provisions of section 511 of the Act (Merchant Marine Act of 1936) and the regulations in this part, and may include a partnership.".  

       At 26 CFR 2.1-1(b) it states:  "Insofar as the computation and collection of taxes are concerned, other terms used in the regulations in this part, except as otherwise provided, have the same meanings as in the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder.”.


       Title 26 USC section 7518, "Tax incentives relating to merchant marine construction funds", defines the three accounts known as the "ordinary income account", the "capital account", and the "capital gains account". 




       The FED bankrupted the federal gov't ("The United States of America" is a corporation actually - look on Dunn and Bradstreet where it is a bankrupt corporation) in 1933.  The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) was created in the mid-1930's to evidence the actual jurisdiction now being employed:  title 11 USC, "Bankruptcy", is implemented by title 11 CFR, "Federal elections" - we are simply electing a bankruptcy "administration".




       The Form SS-5 that one uses to apply for a S.S.# is actually a federal employment form - you joined the Merchant Marine.  This is how the Fed's gov't corporation has enslaved everyone.  Only a federal employee would be subject to federal employment taxes.




       The banking headquarters is in London.  England sent in its bankers to take over America after the Revolution.  During the War of 1812 Great Britain was impressing our Merchant Marine into service.  Now, with Social Security,  Great Britain's banks are impressing us into service.




       Check out my Post "The Bankers' Blueprint to Destroy American Sovereignty" at which exposes the real history of this country.  It will tie into my main thesis, "The Social Security Scam", which is