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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Making Sense of Retreat Medical Care Requirements

•, by Brett H.
 The presenters were terrific, the topics important, and the hands on lab sessions made the whole thing come together very well. I have already had considerable medical training but I left with a better understanding of what may be required in the future. I gained additional confidence in my ability to perform many of the basic and lifesaving medical functions. After talking to a number of people I realized a few things about medical preparedness could be presented to this blog for thought and discussion. The everyday American seems poorly equipped for medical emergencies, basic medical or dental care requirements for a grid down situation. The majority of our individual healthcare needs are provided by the giant US healthcare system. We have become a population with limited medical skills, knowledge, and have no definitive plan to carry us through a serious societal breakdown.
Medical professionals possess a high level of training that may or may not be available to you or your group. There are tens of thousands of doctors and nurses living in this country but I rarely hear or read where any prep groups are including or recruiting medical professionals.

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