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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Television (TV)

Talkin' 'bout a Revolution

 It is called Revolution. The pilot episode of the new post-power grid collapse television series is now available at the NBC web site, and on The series will begin airing on September 17, 2012. It will air on Monday evenings at 10 PM in most time zones and 9 PM Central Time.
Missing a huge opportunity to instruct preparedness, self-sufficiency, and survival skills, the show skips over the first 15 years of the blackout. And like a Kevin Costner flashback, they of course portray militias as bad guys... From the little that I've seen of it, I can predict that those who carry guns will be portrayed as the Bad Guys, while those with archery gear will be the Good Guys. (It is noteworthy that the leftward-leaning mass media rarely misses an opportunity to belittle or even demonize conservatives, gun owners, Christians, advocates of secure borders, and those who hold to a moral code and traditional values.)

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Strmic
Entered on:

I watched this last night and I give it two thumbs down!  Not worth watch because you will only be wishing you did something better with your time like read "Patriots" by James Wesley, Rawles.   As for Revolution its the type of crap that's vomited out of gun hating, government worshiping, communist hollywood type that right stories at a 4th grade level!  Completely unrealistic, they should of spent some money on professional advice from preppers, survivalist, people that no about alternative power, etc..... in short should of consulted with people that advised on Jericho. If you can't wait to waste your time you can watch it at 

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

See, Ernie was right . . . again.  It is gonna be about turning the lights back on.  ;-D