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IPFS News Link • Congress-Congressmen

White House Lied To Congress About Israel-Gaza, Per Official Resigning In Protest

•, by Tyler Durden

That official is Stacy Gilbert, a 20-year State Department employee who was a civil military advisor in the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. In February, a national security memo directive tasked the State and Defense departments with writing a report assessing whether Israel was complying with the Geneva Conventions, and whether Israel was thwarting the flow of humanitarian assistance. Working with other experts, Gilbert was tasked with answering the latter question. 

That question had enormous implications: The Foreign Assistance Act prohibits aid to countries that thwart the flow of US humanitarian aid. Gilbert says she and other experts formed a clear consensus that Israel had blocked aid "in many ways," and that they began crafting a report with that conclusion. 

However, with the report still in rough draft form, Gilbert said senior officials shut her and other subject matter experts out of the project, and proceeded to rewrite the report over the ensuing days before it was due to be filed with Congress. 

Gilbert told PBS

"When the report came out on May 10, and I read the conclusion...that Israel was not blocking humanitarian assistance, I decided I would resign, because that was absolutely not the opinion of subject matter experts in the State Department, USAID, the humanitarian community, organizations that are working in Gaza." 

The estimated Palestinian death toll in Gaza has crossed 36,000. In the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas invasion of southern Israel, Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant announced a "complete siege" of the 25-mile long strip. "There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed," he said. "We are fighting human animals and are acting accordingly."  Earlier this month, the UN World Food Programme said that northern Gaza is in the midst of a "full-blown famine."