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IPFS News Link • Government Waste

79% of GM's sales last month were government purchased

Remember how obama keeps telling us how he saved GM, and how our economy is getting better, it seems the car company he bought is being saved by Govt employees using our tax money to buy new cars. 79% of GM’s sales last month was government purchased.

GM’s sales figures for last month were the best since 2008 , up 16% for the month of June. YIPPEE! Well, wait just a minute. It seems that those rosey sales figures are due primarily to a 79% increase in fleet sales to the U.S.government in June. That’s right. Our tax dollars are being used to pump up GM’s sales figures ahead of next month’s quarterly report so that Dear Leader can point to Government Motors as a huge success. The incestuous relationship between GM, the UAW and the Regime has never been more glaringly apparent. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. GM is unsustainable without government subsidies and will ultimately go bust again, taking billions of taxpayer dollars down with it.


2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Hugo Bursztein
Entered on:

Well, seems like everybody has 'figures' to share. Big, big difference between 79% and 1% . I have been searching for real numbers but I can't seem to know were to go, if any one can help, well, please do so as an independent, no bias, please.

This is very important to me, it will weight very heavy on my voting choice.



Comment by John CC
Entered on:

No, it is not true that 79% of GM's sales in June were to the government. Once again, people who do not know how to do simple arithmetic are spreading urban legends on the internet for their political gain. About 30% of GM sales are to fleets, which is about that same as Ford and Chrysler, and about where they historically have been. Fleet sales include sales to daily rental companies, corporations, contractors, and municipal, state and government agencies. Last year the federal government bought about 55,000 non-military vehicles. So even if the fed bought everything from GM, which is does not, it would account for a little over 2% of GM's sales. I'd estimate total GM sales to the federal government is under 1%--not exactly a giant windfall, is it? Lies, lies and more lies by the unhinged right.
