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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Blue Sky Project Will Use Drones to Deliver 3-D Portraits


A nonprofit called ReAllocate is developing an art project — called Blue Sky — for Burning Man that will scan people and 3-D-print a model of them before delivering it by drone using GPS tracking.

Visitors to ReAllocate‘s dome — made out of shipping containers — at the notoriously creative festival will be invited to strike a pose in a photo booth featuring a Kinect camera. This will capture the person’s 3-D image, which will then be converted into a 3-D file that can be printed by a Cubify 3-D printer.

The person can then leave the dome, taking with them a GPS transponder. Once their miniature figurine is finished, it will be placed in a container hanging from a multicopter unmanned aerial vehicle.

The drone will then track the GPS signal from that person’s transponder down. When it is close by, it will trigger an alarm on the transponder. When the person looks up, they will see the quadrocopter descending and will be able to take their sculpture.

All ReAllocate asks for in return is that the people contribute to a documentary about the project and that they return the GPS device.