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IPFS News Link • How To

From the Fascist Welfare State of America

•, by Lawrence A. Hunter
I hereby formally withdraw my consent from and deny the legitimacy of all governing bodies of the United States – local, state and federal – putting the powers that be on notice that I pay their taxes and obey their laws, edicts and rules involuntarily under duress and the threat of violence and incarceration, not through a consensual acknowledgement of their legitimate right to tax, mandate, restrict, limit or punish the exercise of my sovereign right to do anything I desire to do, or not do, so long as I do not act in such a way as to unjustifiably encroach upon the life and property of my fellow human beings.

I further proclaim the reason for withdrawing my consent and denying the legitimacy of existing governing bodies to be that they have squandered the Mandate of the People, and thereby forfeited their legitimate authority to govern citizens of their jurisdiction by their many and despicable oppressive acts and their vast constitutional over reach, degenerating into unrestrained criminal syndicates ruling by violence and intimidation on behalf of their own agents, outside special interests and corporate combines, no longer remaining as they were intended to be, limited governing entities constrained by a constitution, governed by the rule of law, acting with the consent of the people and only in pursuit of the general welfare of all the people included within their jurisdiction.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by bolopunch
Entered on:

 Another crackpot from the "lunatic fringe"? Aflicted with "mental illness" [NIH] a lot of them now roam the streets!

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