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IPFS News Link • Police State

Green Police: Miami Beach To Make Recycling Compulsory

•, Paul Joseph Watson
 Audi’s infamous ‘Green Police’ Superbowl commercial may not be far off coming to fruition. Miami Beach has passed an ordinance that makes recycling compulsory from July 2013, with those who fail to comply under threat of fines up to $2500 dollars.

“People, who live in the city of Miami Beach, must soon recycle or possibly face fines,” reports

“Once the ordinance goes in effect in July 2013, people who don’t recycle would be fined $350 for their first violation, $500 for their second violation and $1,000 for the third violation.”

The Miami Herald reports that the fine for a fourth violation would total $2500.

Mandatory recycling ordinances represent another example of how big government is exploiting the environmental movement to increase regulation and big brother snooping on Americans’ private lives.