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IPFS News Link • Police State

Breaking the Bonds: Questions for Freedom

•, by Bill Buppert

So I have come up with a list of dream research initiatives I would love to see answered. This is just the start and I would love to entertain others that I may have overlooked. I will start a thread on my forum for folks to add to. See: -BB

1. How many innocents and non-felons are maimed and killed by police every year? We are already aware of the phenomenally low fatality rate for cops on the job. How many of these victims are those who have allegedly violated the “officer safety” meme that literally gives all cops a license to kill?

2. How many government toll roads continue to charge fees and tolls for roads already paid and direct the funds to non-road spending?

3. If 95% of all stop signs in the US were made into yield signs or eliminated altogether, what would be the true impact on safety? Bonus question: How many times have you ever witnessed cops come to a full stop at a stop sign?

4. What is the true impact of speeding laws on safety and why is that most speeding tickets are given on highway arterials and most accidents occur in cities under 35 MPH?
