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IPFS News Link • Police State

Town's police department shut down

•, By Tom Gardner

A town's police department has been closed amid claims of a cover up after an officer allegedly used a taser to subdue a nine-year-old boy.

Nearly 2,000 residents of Mount Sterling, in Ohio, have been left without local law enforcement after their police chief was suspended while officials investigated the incident.

The town's part-time officer was called to an apartment where a child was refusing to go to school, according to reports.
But during the call out, the visit became hostile and a taser was used to subdue the unnamed boy, Madison County Prosecutor Steve Pronai said.

The police chief Mike McCoy is accused of hiding the incident involving the officer, who no longer works in the town, from Mount Sterling leaders.

City officials suspended him for three days, leaving the town without a functioning police department.

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