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IPFS News Link • Iran

Russia warns against 'hasty conclusions' over Iran

 Russia said Wednesday the world should not draw "hasty conclusions" over Iran's most recent rebuff of U.N. attempts to investigate allegations the Islamic Republic hid secret work on atomic arms, but the U.S. and its allies accused Tehran of nuclear defiance.

Under international pressure to show restraint, Israel, which has warned repeatedly that it may strike Iran's nuclear facilities, pointedly urged major world powers to mind their own business, saying it alone would decide what to do to protect the Jewish state's security.

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Comment by James17
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Notice how this Associated Press article does not allow for comments that would disagree with their propaganda. Typical Zionist owned news outlet spewing lies to get the American public behind another conflict in the Middle East. A conflict that no one can win and with any exchange of nuclear weapons the entire world would be affected. In stead of Israel telling other nations to shut the hell up, why don't they get out of Paleistine and go back to the countries from where they came!