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IPFS News Link • Agriculture

Climate Smart Agriculture

• arclein
soils can be used to soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, then they can generate carbon credits that can be sold to industrial polluters who want to offset their emissions.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Mel Mason
Entered on:

climate change is a hoax. It started as a lie and a crime against the peoples of the world and continues to be even less credible, Those who promote this globalist taxation agenda should be tried in a court of the people for crimes against humanity. 

Its a joke people and you are the target. For your stupidity you receive a lifetime of enslavement, not just for you but for your children and their children for as long as it takes people to figure out they've been had. Holy Crap! Wake up!

Can't you just hear the conversation a hundred years form now as your grand-kids gather around a cauldron in a stinking innercity ruin, something like Detroit is now, and the conversation would be something like "what were they thinking? That must have been a generation of total stupidity" WAKE THE F*** UP people. I refuse to read any of these articles pandering to the biggest lie in the history of mankind.