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IPFS News Link • Police State

UK police testing laser rifle to blind rioters


After riots this past summer left parts of the UK in shambles, it's no wonder that police in that part of the world are looking for new methods of crowd control. Since the usual methods for subduing rioters were seen as largely ineffective against their sheer numbers at the time, police have been looking into new tactics as well as non-lethal weapons to replace the standard tasers and tear gas. To that end, the next time someone tries to loot a store in England, they may find themselves literally struck blind thanks to a new riot laser currently being tested called the "SMU 100."

The SMU 100 was originally developed to combat pirates in Somalia (much like a similar device from BAE Systems), but in the wake of the UK riots this summer the focus for the project has shifted towards controlling rioters. The shoulder-mounted laser emits a flash of light about three meters (9.8 ft) across, which can effectively blind a target up to 500 meters (1,640 ft) away; much farther than tear gas and tasers.

Being blinded by the laser has been compared to looking directly at the sun until being forced to turn away. The design for it comes from former Royal Marine Commando Paul Kerr, who is now the managing director of Photonic Security Systems. Kerr sums up the basic concept behind the laser quite well: "The system would give police an intimidating visual deterrent. If you can't look at something you can't attack it."

Currently a police force is set to run field trials with the SMU 100, though Photonic Security Systems will not disclose the exact location. The trials will determine not only their usefulness in the field but whether the blinding process carries any unknown side effects. If the laser passes the various health checks and is accepted by the Home Secretary, it could become standard equipment for any police force willing to pay the GBP25,000 (approx. US$39,000) price tag.


2 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

     Why am I not surprised? The Brits have been playing catch-up for about 150 years...This sort of vile and despicalble "ethicical" bullshit is about what might be expected form these inbred losers. (Why are we not hearing the anguished cries of the folks who claim"foul" every single time the U.S. attempts to kill an enemy or defend itself?) The last I looked, there was at least the pretense to "internatinal sanctions" on this sort of evil...F--- the British and their horse! I've never known a Brit who was worth s---, except for those few I've known who were expatriots. It's about time the U.S. quits pandering to this gang of international thugs!

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Rioters test mirror shades designed to reflect the laser beam back into the laser rifles, thereby causing the rifles to overheat and burn up.
