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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Movies

Star Trek 2 - 3D May 2013 Release

• arclein
Earlier today, Sony Pictures moved its sci-fi tale Singularity out of the May 17, 2013 release slot, scheduling it for November 1, 2013. Paramount Pictures is taking advantage of the opening, by slotting its highly-anticipated sequel Star Trek 2 into the May 17, 2013 release date. Back in June, J.J. Abrams said he won't be making Star Trek 2 in 3D, although it appears that has changed. This new report reveals the sequel will be presented in 3D, but it isn't known if they plan to shoot it in 3D, or convert it in post-production.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by James17
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"May 17, 2013" - Does anyone really think we can make it that far into the future? Is it that those people that make the movies know something the rest of us don't know, that maybe we have been led astray all this time thinking that the U.S. is heading for a big downfall, when truthfully, it has a great deal of time left? Or is that just part of the cover-up to make those that can't see past the nose on their face to believe there is a future for the whole world?