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IPFS News Link • Police State



I was walking down the street trying to discreetly look down, so as not to call attention to myself to the soldiers stopping people randomly in front of military Hummers at the intersection of the street. If one solider looked at me for any reason, I could be taken away from my wife and children, never to be heard of again, to some detention camp out past Palmdale in the blazing desert. There were rumors that millions of people were warehoused in these camps where they were put to force labor, tortured and killed. All done by men and women who said,, “I’m just doing my job.”

The supermarkets had been closed for over a year and if you were lucky you might get some beans, rice and water at a supply center. A soldier wearing a light blue helmet in fully military gear, like they wear in the Middle East motioned me over, my heart started to pound. He said nothing and arrogantly gestured that I walk over to a scanning device that would read the biochip implant in my forehead. I carefully hid my anger, not at the soldier, but at all the Christians who argued like idiots about the “mark of the beast.” Once upon a time, I was famous; the author of many books, many that covered the topic of Bible prophecy. I never talk about that now, because to believe in Bible prophecy puts you on the terrorist watch list. But, where did these Christians come up with this weird idea that a Police State could not use a biochip or microchip implant without it being the mark of the beast?


3 Comments in Response to

Comment by James17
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'Wake up, there is still time.' - Yes there is still time. It is never to late to make the right decision. I believe that with all of my heart. When I go out to tell others, all I get is that blank stare and that look directed at me that says the other person in not hearing me. Even when I show someone what is going on around them, they can come off the wall with the most foolish of responses. Why? It is easier to float down stream with all of the other dead fish then to try to fight the current to a place of safety. All of those people that will not open their eyes to the truths shown to them believe that their own government is not against them. They believe that their own children that are in the militaries will not use force against them and their neighbors. For those of us that have had the same kind of dream as the writer of this article, we are small in number. The greater amount of people will not fight because they want someone else to go out there and die to save them. Courage is a thing of the past. If it does appear, it will be in those few, that tries to awaken the masses. After we are all gone, it will be to late to make that right decision. Those people left alive in the world will have to go through the things mentioned from this dream. This does not sound right, but, 'Good luck and God bless'. On the other side of all of this there is a field, I will meet you there.

Comment by James17
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Comment by Deanna Allen
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Full story wont load this is all I get : 

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