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IPFS News Link • United Nations

WHAT was ICLEI up to at the Durban Climate Conference! It's UnCONSTITUTIONAL

ICLEI was very busy at the Waste of Time called the Durban Climate Conference. What they were doing was unconstitutional for US cities to be involved in. Do you know where YOUR mayor is?

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Comment by James17
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"Climate Change". - Here again we have idiots telling the rest of the world that mankind is the cause of this so-called climate change.... Well, I can believe this to be true, except that the militaries of all the nations that allow for the chemical dumping to continue in our skies are truly the ones to blame. I live in So. CA USA, and this being now December 10, there has only been (one) day of rain that happened in October. There should have been at least two weeks worth of rain by this time of year. Looking towards the mountains there are constant Chemtrails drying any attempt for rain to occur in the mountain ranges. Along the Pacific Coast for the past few days and nights there have been even more Chemtrails. What for? To keep any moisture that would naturally occur coming inland to not happen. Sorry, I didn't keep a folder with all of the info about Chemtrails, so anyone reading this has to look up the affects that Chemtrails cause for changing weather patterns to understand what I am talking about. "Climate Change", is manmade, government allowed, and a product of the UN Agenda 21 to further that attempt to take full control of the worlds population through the necessary rationing of water for human consumption and for growing food crops.

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