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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Feds crack down on homeopathic weight loss remedy

• Associated Press

Federal regulators are ordering several companies to stop selling an unproven weight loss remedy that uses protein from the human placenta.

The Food and Drug Administration says it issued warning letters to seven companies that sell the protein as drops, pellets or sprays. The products are advertised as homeopathic remedies, or highly diluted drugs made from natural ingredients and sold with medical claims. Many doctors view homeopathic remedies as ineffective but mostly harmless because the drugs in them are present in such tiny amounts.
But the FDA said the products targeted Tuesday could be dangerous when taken as directed. The products contain human chorionic gonadotropin, which is a protein produced by the placenta and found in the urine of pregnant women.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Yeah. It's kinda like the BIG snake oil dealers edging out the little snake oil dealers. Something like the Mafia gang wars, except on a much larger, all-encompassing scale.

Of course, probably all the dealers, both big and small, have something that is good here and there.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

It must freakng work or the FDA would not be interested. The last thing that care about is the saftely of products on the market.

 If must work and be threatedning the profits of their owners the phamcuatical companies.