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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Republican Party Candidates in Four-Way Dead Heat


Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are in a dead heat as the top choices for Iowans likely to attend the Jan. 3 Republican presidential caucuses.

A Bloomberg News poll shows Cain at 20 percent, Paul at 19 percent, Romney at 18 percent and Gingrich at 17 percent among the likely attendees with the caucuses that start the nominating contests seven weeks away.

Economic issues such as jobs, taxes and government spending are driving voter sentiment, rather than such social issues as abortion and gay marriage, the poll finds. Only about a quarter of likely caucus-goers say social or constitutional issues are more important to them, compared with 71 percent who say fiscal concerns.

The poll reflects the race’s fluidity, with 60 percent of respondents saying they still could be persuaded to back someone other than their top choice, and 10 percent undecided. Paul’s support is more solidified than his rivals, while Cain’s is softer. All of the major contenders have issue challenges to address.


4 Comments in Response to

Comment by Venancio Tan
Entered on:

Iowans are just having some fun with Ron Paul. is seeing to it that

Ron Paul is in a so-called four-way dead hit – meaning candidates with dead chances except Romney of getting nominated as official GOP candidate for president..

This headline has an adrenalin effect on a handful of people in Ron Paul’s dream-world. As if they have just taken an Amphetamine booster, they are now chanting "Go Ron … Ron Paul 2012! He can win!

In the next coming Republican Caucuses, Ron Paul is NOT going anywhere. As usual, he will soon drop out.

He can only win the GOP nomination or the election for president when the proverbial crow turns white.  

Comment by Venancio Tan
Entered on:

Iowans are just having some fun with Ron Paul. is seeing to it that


Ron Paul is in a so-called four-way dead hit – meaning candidates with dead chances except Romney of getting nominated as official GOP candidate for president.


This headline has an adrenalin effect on a handful of people in Ron Paul’s dream-world.  As if they have just taken an Amphetamine booster, they are now chanting “Go Ron … Ron Paul 2012! He can win!  



In the next coming Republican Caucuses, Ron Paul is NOT going anywhere. As usual, he will soon drop out.


He can only win the GOP nomination or the election for president when the proverbial crow turns white. 

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

But the rest of the potential candidates might have better voting machine hackers.

Comment by Live Free
Entered on:

GO RON! Wow, it looks like Americans are finally waking up! If you support Paul get out there and make it known. Put up a sign, phone from home, talk to your neighbors and friends. RON PAUL 2012! He can win!