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IPFS News Link • Politics: Libertarian Campaigns

Ron Paul Vs GOP Warmongers: Congressman Romps To Victory In Iowa Debate


Ron Paul emerged the clear winner of last night’s FOX News GOP debate according to a poll of Fox viewers and even according to analysis in the Washington Post, as the congressman cemented the fact that he is the only hope America has of ending its involvement in multiple costly and damaging wars across the globe.

Paul was in his element at the Iowa debate and delivered the most comprehensible and impassioned performance seen at any of the debates thus far.

Every other candidate in attendance attempted to scramble over their rivals to lead the charge for the military industrial complex, while Paul stuck firmly to his anti-war principles, demanding that US troops be brought home with immediate effect.

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Comment by Ducatijeanne
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After the 08/11/2011 debate I jotted down numbers from an on-line poll which I understood to be a "faux news" "official" poll of who won the debate.  When I left off at 12:25 pm Phoenix time here are the numbers I copied off the screen:

Ron Paul 14,949 votes

Newt G. 5014 votes

Mr. Cain 2671 votes

Mr Romney 2012 votes

Ms. Bachman 2009 votes

Mr. Santor. 875 votes

Mr. Huntsman 339 votes

Mr. Pawlenty 269 votes

This same poll displayed a fascinating map of the United States color-coded with poll results; Ron Paul being represented by the color green.  Let me convey to you all: the ENTIRE map of the United States, excepting a large portion of Utah, was colored GREEN = RON PAUL!!! It was beautiful.