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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Making Waves: Are You Ready For President Jeb Bush?

The Son of the Father who Told Us, "Read My Lips No New Taxes".... is out with a joint Op-Ed with Kevin Warsh, in WSJ. The Warsh-Jeb Bush piece could have been titled, "Read Our Op-Ed, No More Anti-Free Market Policy." It's chock-full of anti-big government rhetoric: Cutting spending is essential. --- If banks are "too big to fail," they are too big. They must be allowed to succeed or fail on their own merit, without any hint of government support --- It also supports phony anti-government activity: An effective growth strategy confronts tough challenges before they become intractable. The strategy is a threat to those who take refuge in our burdensome tax code, and it is a great source of encouragement to those who seek higher rates of return on physical and human capital. Hence, fundamental tax reform—dramatically lowering tax rates for individuals and companies while eliminating loopholes, deductions and credits—is critical to economic growth. .--- Achieving strong growth requires the free flow of capital, goods and ideas. We have world-class products and services to sell to the growing middle class in emerging markets. We must find our voice to resist the rising tide of economic protectionism and recognize the job-creating benefits of our pending free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by CatherineA
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Hell NO we don't need another Bushwacker in the Oval Office!  Are these people crazy or what?
