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IPFS News Link • Food

The Pasteurization Police March On

• Lew Rockwell

The Chicago Tribune has published a story about the Illinois Department of Public Health's threat to shut down artisanal ice cream makers for making fresh - not industrial/processed - ice cream.

Kris Swanberg, a laid-off teacher, did something with her newfound free time and started to sell a product called Nice Cream, an artisanal product of her own creativity. Her apparent issues, among many, are that she uses fresh strawberries instead of high fructose corn syrup-loaded strawberry syrup, and she makes fresh ice cream as opposed to using the industrial, pre-made, processed "ice cream" mix that is made from artificial ingredients and chemicals.

6 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Well, baka, it worked fine for me with a simple copy and paste. But here it is in clickable form. Of course, I won't be able to test the clickable form of it until after I post it. But if I have a problem with it, I will work on it and let you know.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Wow baka! You really haven't seen this, then.

No -- I didn't. It says there is no youtube video in the address you cited. Anyway, if this exists, is it relevant to the issue I raised? If it is, why and how is it relevant?

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Wow baka! You really haven't seen this, then.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

To PureTrust: I appreciate this researched-based comment. Your perseverance to maintain the importance of a civil debate over this very important issue of freedom versus health security is what we need as responsible citizens – not what those emotional intruders who just burst the door open and just heedlessly come in with ad hominem or just throwing mud like crazy.

I agree with your observation in the sense that the medicine we take and the food we eat, even though approved say by FDA, have been proven to cause a variety of dangerous side-effects and/or ailments, notably cancer. And that’s freedom for the medical and food industries to get rich at the expense of the dead and the dying.

However, the occurrence of those SWAT Team raids of raw milk distributors, notably the latest of which was the Healthy Family Farm, a defiant recidivist violator of health rules and regulations, was what the public needs after the Center for Disease Control and Prevention had already announced that more than 800 victims had succumbed to food-borne diseases caused by drinking raw milk and /or buying and consuming unpasteurized milk products. This does not curtail at all the freedom to contract Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria, or the freedom to spread this epidemic at one’s own choosing, so long as the casualties are limited only to the users, not the innocent non-users. And you will perhaps agree with me that this is not possible or even probable, hence those pasteurization police marches on, and SWAT Team raids should – and must continue – to protect the health of the American public.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The good-health side of this story is something like vaccination.

When you get a vaccination shot in the arm, the dead virus and the chemicals in the shot are supposed to activate your immune system, causing it to "learn" how to fight a live form of the dead virus they injected.

One of the best ways to help your immune system learn how to fight BACTERIA, (different than virus) is to allow some of it to get into your system, right along with the foods that you eat. If you eat clean, washed natural foods, they are more of a benefit to strengthening your immune system than all the processed, packaged foods.

In addition, one of the most common ways that restaurants (and the military) protect against bacteria in their dishes, is to rinse the dishes in a sink full of water with a drop or two of bleach in it. Bleach is essentially hydrochloric acid. Even microscopic amounts of hydrochloric acid bleach kill virtually all bacteria. Stomach acid is weak hydrochloric acid. So bacteria doesn't have a chance in the stomach except when introduced in large amounts. Simple washing of foods will take care of the "large amounts" problem.

There are multitudes of other reasons why not to consume processed foods, including all those big names you can't read that are listed on the package. Who in the world knows all the side effects from them, whatever they are. Probably, the side effects include things like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Our best bet is to get back to nature. We sprang from nature. It is what our system knows best.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

My sympathy goes to those who kick the bucket.  

Americans can spot blind-folded LRC anarchist articles that pose a danger to public health and can smell what’s rotten in it, by a mile, like this strawberry ice cream mouth-watering attraction that for the safety of the public does not pass bacteria tests.

The blinder published is that this is okay and the Illinois Department of Health shouldn’t object to it or prohibit its sale for profit because "The ice cream is so good that even the local Whole Foods store sells the product, as well as the farmers markets." See how juvenile this ground of protestation is? Incredible!

It is precisely because this dangerous food "invention" is being sold in such huge commercial outlets that the public is terrified of contracting a bacteria-borne disease that could turn into an epidemic or could cause a massive death-count much greater than a boatload of homebound casualties. I am referring to flag-draped coffins now pouring in from Iraq and Afghanistan about to overload the Arlington Cemetery.

We have the FDA, the health department in every State, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and similar agencies seeing to it that the American public does not live a life similar to those disease victims in Africa and backward Third World countries where tragedy of this sort is a common occurrence.

We have a system of health protection that the enemy within turns to a system of protestation to further their agenda.

Go ahead … call this protection "harassment … ruination of … businesses" [read this article of freedom to anarchy] or call it whatever you like – but this pubic health system is here to stay, to protect you and me, my family and yours, including the family of the whining anti-State activists, and/or even that of the family and children of the enemy within.

I empathize the hardened feelings of those in a terrible agony for ignoring the reason why there are frequent SWAT Team raids and the pasteurization police are marching on. I also sympathize the predicament of those whose insuperable hatred blinds their vision, but what really breaks my heart are those whose level of QI cannot make or would never enable them to understand even if they undergo a mutation in a million years!

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