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IPFS News Link • Central Intelligence Agency

LulzSec hackers claim to take down CIA website


The Lulz Security hacker group claimed to have briefly knocked the public website for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency offline on Wednesday.

"Tango down - - for the lulz," the group tweeted around 6pm EST. The tweet apparently mocked the pro-U.S. hacker known as th3j35t3r.

"We are looking into these reports," a CIA spokeswoman told Reuters.

LulzSec hackers have claimed in recent weeks to have cracked into Sony, Nintendo, the US Senate, the Public Broadcasting System news organization and an Infragard company that works with the FBI.

"It's becoming a big problem, because at the end of the day these guys are doing whatever they want," said Panda computer security labs technical director Luis Corrons. "This is showing us that we have a long way to go to protect our systems and our information."