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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Pelosi Talks About Cutting Deficit: "Medicare Is On The Table"

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told CNBC this morning that Medicare was on the table to be cut to tackle the federal deficit.

Pelosi (D-CA), House Minority Leader at 11:30AM ET on CNBC: "Yes. I think Medicare is on the table. I think Social Security is probably on its own table."

Pelosi at 2:30PM ET on Bloomberg: "We are listening to every suggestion. But onne suggestion we are not open to is the abolishment of Medicare and that's what the Republicans have put forth in their budget. We do not support that. Every initiative that we have where federal dollars are spent must be subjected to scrutiny -- make sure we are getting our money's worth and the public well served. But, abolishing Medicare, that is not on the table."