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IPFS News Link • European Union

Germans Say No To More European Bail Outs: PIIGS Go To Slaughter?

There’s a risk to peripheral bonds if Germany is seen not to be displaying support for the countries that are in trouble,” said Orlando Green, assistant director of capital- markets strategy at Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment bank in London. “The market would have been hoping that a deal would have been struck already” before the elections." And while German people are just modestly more civilized than their North African peers, what has happened in Germany is nothing short of a revolution to the existing status quo. The attempt to cover up European bail outs with endless rhetoric is over. If Merkel continues the course she is on, she is history... and she knows it too well. Time to be less than bullish on the EUR's prospects. From Bloomberg: The CDU took less than half its tally at the last Hamburg election three years ago. The results are “painful” for the CDU, Mayor Christoph Ahlhaus said in comments broadcast live, congratulating his Social Democratic opponent Olaf Scholz, a former Labor Minister in Merkel’s first-term government. “It’s a warning to Merkel,” said Carsten Brzeski, an economist at ING Groep NV in Brussels. “If she has to draw any lesson, it probably will be to get tougher at the European level to show something to German voters,” he said. “There is no room for Merkel to come home from Brussels on March 25 with anything that could look or smell like a defeat.”

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Comment by Don Duncan
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The sooner Germany and China wake up (the people forcing their gov) the sooner we will see the dollar and euro crash along with a world depression. Remember, a depression always occurs during a correction, i.e., the elimination of malemployment and malinvestment, which is painful but necessary. Putting it off only makes the inevitable more painful.  Wouldn't it be much better to learn from the past and eliminate making the same mistakes? But then that would require something public schools discourage: critical thinking.