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IPFS News Link • Social Security

GOP Blocks Legislation To Award Seniors $250

• AP
House and Senate Republicans on Wednesday
thwarted Democratic efforts to award $250 checks to Social Security
recipients facing a second consecutive year without a
cost-of-living increase.

President Barack Obama and Democrats have urged approval of the
one-time payment, saying seniors barely getting by on their Social
Security checks face undue hardships without the COLA increase.


2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:
    Mean-spirited GOP is baring its fangs and looking uglier than Obama. Blocking this minimal $250 repayments to seniors, veterans and the disabled in lieu of COLA makes the Republicans look super ugly compared to Dems who are getting prettier everyday since this bully elephant won the mid-term election. There is no COLA because of the wringer formula created by law that it is recession and there is no inflation. No inflation, no COLA. COLA replaces yearly what inflation eats up.


     But here is the point – the only rationale that ought to be considered … the point of sanity is that the cost of living causes more suffering to SSS-SSI recipients during recession, and the more that they should receive this supplemental aid rather than deprived of it. If Obama and the Dparty did not look good those past years, it is this time that they look better than the mean-spirited Republicans in Congress put together.


     Look at the reason why the Republican knuckleheads opposed the $14 billion supplemental aid that suffering recession-struck seniors, veterans and the disabled were anticipating to receive with abated breath early next year …"Increasing our nation's crushing deficit on the backs of our children by an additional $14 billion is wrong," Rep. Sam Johnson [R-Texas] said. What about the Republicans’ current negotiation deal with Obama to extend huge tax cuts to wealthy Americans and their corporate party supporters? Would that not worsen our fiscal deficits? Compared to what they intend to put into their pocket  $14 billion is a droplet in the bucket. On whose backs would that fall?


     Obama is laying a trap knowing that the Republicans would fight only for money. He believes the Rparty has no soul … has no heart for the poor, especially the hawkish Republican centurions who are looking at the economically disadvantaged only as financial burden in a capitalist society. So Obama and his smart brain-storm planners wanted to pass a bill in this lame duck Congress called DREAM – Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors”.


      The measure would provide foreign-born children of illegal immigrants the opportunity to apply for US citizenship if they have lived in the United States since age 16 or below for at least five consecutive years, lack a criminal record, and are admitted to college or enlist in the military.” Angry Republicans called this rubbish!


      Want to know why a great number of Americans are wary of what the next Republican Congress would do that would make Obama look like a thousand-fold more friendly rather than fearsome and fiendly? 


      Click on this link: “Global Depopulation: Republican Nightmare More Frightening Than Obama 2012?” New World Order …Politcally crippled when he lost control of the U.S. House of Representatives, Marxist Obama is desperate to get re-elected. From now up to next year, he could create chaos and declare Martial Law.  But is the Republican nightmare not more horrifying …?  Read Letter Written by bakadude
Date: 2010-12-08.



Comment by JustinTyme
Entered on:

As an aside, the American Disabled Veterans payments are directly linked to the Social Security COLA or awards.  I wonder if they include that cost/savings in their $14 billion figure.