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IPFS News Link • Social Security

GOP Headed for Showdown on Social Security and Medicare

•, By A.B. Stoddard

These fiscally sober, and actually conservative, Republicans aren't likely to win the nomination, and they're making Trump giddy. But they could also put House Republicans and Ron DeSantis in a jam.

Nikki Haley, who announced her candidacy last month, and likely contenders Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, have all said the looming insolvency of these programs – which take up 30% of the federal budget – must be addressed.

House Republicans vowing to find $130 billion in spending cuts had initially placed entitlements squarely on the negotiating table, but removed them after Trump and President Biden united against reform. Biden taunted congressional Republicans at his State of the Union, saying it was their "dream" to cut both popular programs, which was met with boos. Trump has released a video warning congressional Republicans not to cut "one penny" from either safety net program in their negotiations over the debt ceiling. After both events, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made it explicit: In their hunt for savings they will look elsewhere and leave both programs alone.