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IPFS News Link • Activism

Anonymous Cowards Quiet Brave Blogger John Tyner

• der Blaustrumpf
Tyner’s actual sexuality isn’t the issue:  what’s offensive is that he’s challenged the authority that so many worship, and he must be punished accordingly.  The TSA’s threat of a civil suit and fine aren’t nearly enough.  Tyner accurately described the TSA encounter as an attempted sexual assault, so the actual aggressors must be exonerated, and Tyner framed as somehow wanting it (e.g.,  because he’s “gay” or “an attention-seeking whore.”)  At first glance, it may be baffling that so many seek to feminize him for what’s usually rewarded as “masculine” behavior – successfully resisting unwanted contact, staying calm in a tense situation, holding one’s ground though outnumbered, etc.  Baffling, that is, until you recognize the familiar pattern:  those who challenge authority must be feminized and then destroyed.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by GrandPoobah
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What is really striking about this article is the admission / assertion that females are de facto inferior to males.  That which is feminine is inferior, weak, unclean etc.  This of course extends to most things sexual.  Of course I agree with this, and in addition assert that if Females do not start running things then we are doomed.

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