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IPFS News Link • Government

Anti-tax fervor undermines the common good - by Neal Peirce

• Seattle Times

Where will anti-government sentiment — call it "libertarian," "tax revolt" or "tea party" — take America's cities and towns?

For a top example, Governing magazine's current edition features the draconian measures under way in Colorado Springs, Colo. Responding to anti-tax sentiment that was thriving well before the current recession, the city laid off more than 550 city workers, let street medians go to weeds, closed all its swimming pools and turned off a third of its streetlights.


3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Mike Vasovski
Entered on:

 It's important that we read what the liberal press is saying. Thanks for including this link.

Comment by Brock
Entered on:

Well, we know for sure it wasn't the maintenance of monopoly-by-violence on the provision of medians and streetlights, extortion of money from "customers", and subsequent squandering of said money.

It must be libertarians.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Honesty from the MSM.  We want all of your labor... for a noble cause of course.
