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IPFS News Link • Government

DOJ Urges Citizens to Report “Extremists” Handing Out Literature


According to a hand-out distributed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, a component of the Justice Department, “extremist literature distributed at the mall or posted on public bulletin boards” is suspicious and a potential indicator of terrorist activities.

In other words, anybody who posted an poster near a mall should be reported to the authorities as a possible domestic terrorist.

The Department of Homeland Security has designated returning veterans, Second Amendment activists, and members of state militias as “rightwing extremists” who are to be considered potential terrorists. The Missouri Information Analysis Center, under the direction of the DHS, expanded the list of possible terrorists to include supporters of Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin.

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Comment by TheRockster
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These lousy Communist motherfuckers deserve to die in pain. THEY are the filth that is destroying my country. The day of reckoning is coming.


-ROCKY FUCKING FRISCO  have you got that???