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IPFS News Link • Politics: Libertarian Campaigns

The Myth of Political Freedom in America

A common joke explains the truth about our political system - The Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin and both sides spend the same. This explains some but not all of it. When Ford first mass produced cars, he proudly stated you could get his car in any color, so long as the color is black. The Illinois Libertarian Party petition signatures that allow the voter to choose a third option is being challenged. The so called two party system cannot stand free market competition so it legislates the competition into obscurity while maintaining the illusion that the process is open and free. The process begins with the two "legitimate" Parties needing 5,000 signatures while the Libertarians were required to get 25,000 signatures. All of which had to be registered voters. As if being American wasn't enough. This means you have to get between 40,000 to 50,000 signatures to survive the challenge that is sure to come. If the volunteers manage to jump through all

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

Hallelujah!  I don't know what happened around here while I was gone but I likes it, I really, really likes it.  Not to long ago, I was the only one saying such things around here while the rabid female Right Wingers chewed my ass off for it but look at you today, Freedom's Phoenix, you even make an old anarchist such as myself proud.  


Well done!  Pat yourself on the back.

Comment by JustinTyme
Entered on:

Liberty minded people should re-focus their efforts on getting people to withdraw their support for any party.  Parties are collectives and are controlled by the "leaders" of that party.  Being a member of a political party is tantabmount to giving up your vote as you'll only be able to vote for the individuals that have been presented to you by the party.

Members of political parties are subverting the political process and should consider themselves traitors to basic premise of our Republic.

Parties should be brought up on RICO charges.

Become an independant.  Declare your independence from the political machine.  They have no power without the lemmings/sheeple that follow them.  And, those sheeple violate the rest of our voting rights by not allowing us to have a real choice in who we vote for!