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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

BP's Use Of Corexit is Killing the Gulf

This is death to all life within the fragile Gulf Coast ecosystems that are impacted by these Corexit plumes. Plant, animal, and marine life will die as these oily, Corexit plumes slip their broken oily gunk well under protective booms. This is death that can never be cleaned up from beneath the sea or from shorelines, without creating greater problems. What kind of psychopaths would even manufacture something like Corexit, much less put a million gallons of it into our waters? These sub-humans who have ascended to such power are obviously well behind the human race in the spiritual aspects of their evolutionary development. If the BP executives were ignorant of what they were doing, they should have been stopped by officials of our federal government. If our officials were also ignorant, they should all be held accountable for the death and destruction they have allowed by not stopping BP’s use of Corexit. And what kind of president do we have who has not taken action against these monsters in our government and corporations, who have quadrupled the toxicity of the escaping crude oil with the ungodly use of Corexit.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by stupid Amerkin
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Don't worry folks. Everything is going exactly as planned.