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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

The Arizona Firearms Freedom Act Becomes Law

On Monday Arizona made a bold move to check unlimited federal power. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed the Arizona Firearms Freedom Act (HB 2307) into law, making Arizona the sixth state to pass this type of historic Tenth Amendment legislation.

8 Comments in Response to

Comment by McElchap
Entered on:

 While I am extremely happy Arizona has become the 6th state to enact an FFA as a 10th Amendment right, I think the most potent issue raised is the one where the Feds continuously and arbitrarily change the terms of their contract with the states that we call the US Constitution. It is a binding contract! Why should one party (the one created) be permitted to change the terms of the contract without even consulting the parties that created it? While constantly stripping the other parties of their rights and resources and denying them recourse? They cannot claim to be a representative federal government with a straight face! They openly scoff at suggestions that they should obey the Constitution, they brazenly announce they don't even read the bills they vote on, and have constituents arrested for harrassment when they approach them with concerns they don't care to hear. The congress critters in Washington, District of Criminals, only represent us the way Col. Sanders represents chickens! Keep your powder dry, folks...the fat lady hasn't sung yet!

Comment by Nick Saorsa
Entered on:

I love this law but fear that the us constitution's supremacy clause will lay waste to any amount of state sovereignty we thought we had. Not to mention the interstate commerce clause... by buying guns made in AZ, you are thereby disrupting the regular working of the intrastate firearms industry. Don't blame me, blame the CONstitution. (damn you Boston T. Party for opening my eyes :)

Comment by G Cone
Entered on:

I was wondering today what exactly what gun regulations the State of Arizona has. For example, whether fully automatic weapons are specifically banned or if there is a minimum barrel length for shotguns, etc.

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Rueger does indeed maintain a SMALL production facility here in Prescott. Pretty low profile. However, Yavapai College in Prescott still has a terriffic gunsmithing school.

I imagine the gunsmithing majors are suddenly happy they can sell their hand-crafted, often one-of-a-kind hardware to the highest bidder now. In state bidder that is.

I wonder if any of them have fully auto designs they'd like to try out?

Comment by Trouser Chili
Entered on:

Here's a list of AZ firearms resources.  It includes firearms manufacturers in AZ along with sales, ranges, repair, parts...

Comment by G Cone
Entered on:

Ruger owns a facility in Prescott, AZ. Part of their business is investment casting for other industries, but I believe they do manufacture guns at the Prescott plant. If so I am sure they are all over it with stamping 'Made In Arizona' on the guns made there. It seems you could start making guns in a pretty small shop with some casting equipment and a CNC mill and lathe. I would imagine there will be a strong market for guns made and sold in states that have passed firearms freedom acts. That doesn't mean those guns couldn't be sold our of state, but only that they would then be subject to federal regulation. 

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Starting up firearms manufacture sounds difficult but the in-state produced incandescent lightbulb industry sounds like a winner. Anyone want to partner up on that?

Comment by Thane Eichenauer
Entered on:

I think this is great. I am looking forward to hearing when some person actually produces one of these non-ICC firearms.