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IPFS News Link • Space Travel and Exploration

New Rocket Engine Could Reach Mars in 40 Days

• Space
Future Mars outposts or colonies may seem more distant than ever with NASA's exploration plans in flux, but the rocket technology that could someday propel a human mission to the red planet in as little as 40 days may already exist.

A company founded by former NASA astronaut Franklin Chang-Diaz has been developing a new rocket engine that draws upon electric power and magnetic fields to channel superheated plasma out the back. That stream of plasma generates steady, efficient thrust that uses low amounts of propellant and builds up speed over time. 

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Olde Reb
Entered on:

 I think we should consider using the unlimited hot gas from a few congresscritters. We not only make the trip but we get rid of the critters.
