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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

Should kids be allowed to play with BB guns?

• San Francisco Chronicle
BB guns and other nonpowder guns are often thought of as toys, but they injure as many as 21,000 Americans each year, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. On Christmas day, a Florida boy was among those who got injured this year.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

BB guns aren't the only threat to our children that we must immediately address. We've already deprived them of firearms and pocket knives but hundreds of kids each year are injured by fishhooks, slinghsots and even pencils. ALL OF THESE MUST GO. Additionally, millions of kids each year suffer skinned knees from rocks, dirt and pavement.

I ask you HOW LONG THE SUFFERING MUST CONTINUE before we make this planet safe for our most precious asset, our children?

If this isn't bad enough, our kids must endure atmospheric threats such as hail which can easily injure an up-turned eyeball. THESE HAIL-THROWING CLOUDS MUST BE STOPPED.

Just think of all the injuries caused by untied shoe laces. The legislative attempts to mandate idiot-straps on all children's footwear was narrowly defeated by a bunch of wingnut "rights people" but they cannot be allowed to continue.
