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IPFS News Link • Anthropology

First Jesus-era house discovered in Nazareth

• AP
Just in time for Christmas, archaeologists on Monday unveiled what may have been the home of one of Jesus' childhood neighbors. The humble dwelling is the first dating to the era of Jesus to be discovered in Nazareth, then a hamlet of around 50 impoverished Jewish families where Jesus spent his boyhood. 

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The idea of faith, faith that we must have for eternal salvation, is something that is both strengthened and eroded by such finds as this  in Nazareth. The reason is that whenever we KNOW something, we do not have to take it on faith anymore. Yet, if we do not know enough, then our faith has nothing to connect it to reality.

The point is, recognize that archeological finds may provide some knowledge. But they will never provide ALL knowledge. And usually they provide only a small piece of knowledge. FAITH in God and what He says in His Word is still what is all-important.

Comment by Jon Paul Mcclellan
Entered on:

There is no evidence of any kind, in this archiological discovery or any other archiological dicovery, in any contemporaneous text or any any form of any kind that Jesus even existed, much less that "Jesus spent his boyhood in "a hamlet of around 50 impoverished Jewish Families".

The life of Jesus is a myth, the importance of which resides in the architype that the myth represents.