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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

U.S. OKs emergency use of experimental antiviral for swine flu (Watch Comp. Stock Monday)


WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is allowing the use of an experimental antiviral drug to treat severe cases of H1N1 or swine flu.

The drug, peramivir, is currently being developed by BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. /quotes/comstock/15*!bcrx/quotes/nls/bcrx (BCRX 9.66, -0.19, -1.93%) and is undergoing testing required for regular FDA approval.

The FDA issued a so-called emergency use authorization late Friday that allows doctors to use peramivir, which is delivered intravenously, in certain hospitalized adult and pediatric patients with confirmed or suspected H1N1 influenza.

A handful of doctors have already treated patients with severe cases of H1N1 using peramivir obtained through the agency's expanded access rules that allow individual patients to obtain experimental drugs if certain conditions are met. The emergency-use authorization allows use of the drug without prior FDA approval.

The FDA said there's only limited clinical data about whether peramivir is safe and effective, but "based upon the totality of scientific evidence available, it is reasonable to believe that peramivir IV may be effective in certain patients."


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Comment by Anonymous
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 Check out this article on Zero Hedge...


So last Friday Obama declared a national emergency due to failflu, which basically allows hospitals to send patients elsewhere , to places such as "armories" to quote the NYT. Whatever the hell that means! Here at Zerohedge we rolled our eyes then lol'd. Despite the general idiocy of a drooling degenerate American public, , we basically had a "ZOMG THERES NO VACCINE" media-engineered freakout moment. Of course, this was a somewhat contrived event , because a solid 33% - 50% of the "terminally-brain-damanged-yet-still-vaguely-conscious" American public refuse to impale themselves on the pharmaceutical garbage needle , somehow knowing deep down in their black little hearts this vaccine nonsense doesn't even work anyway (weak B-cell antibody titer in 50% of recipients is a pretty low bar, dudes!). **Note to HHS Secretary Sebelius, Email me I will send you my Immunology textbook so u can see how B-cells are pretty fucking fail. ITS ALL ABOUT THE HELPER T-CELLS, KATHY. NE wayz, broad-spectrum antivirals are where it's at. That will become clear sooner or later.


Okay so we have reviewed how most of the idiot public won't take the shot, and will be better off for it.  Novartis, GSK, Medimmune, CSL, and Sanofi Pasteur have already made off with the billions so if you haven't bought your options yet you are late to the party, barn door open, horsies GONE!.  Which brings me to my soapbox, since your options are already in the money:   ** Note to Big Pharma re: vaccines: Try purifying the Avian Leukosis Virus and the Reverse Transcriptaseout of the vaccines you idiots -- no one wants to inject themselves with that crap. Srsly.


Okay so back to fluconomics -- so last week there was a bunch of insider trading on a company called BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:BCRX) , who got FD-Ghey (FDA) emergency use authorization for their crappy intravenous neuraminidase inhibitor "Peramivir" that barely works -- the same week Obama declared failflu a national emergency. Hey Board of Directors at Biocryst! Neuraminidase inhibitors are fail! Do you guys have friends in the FDA or something? How Can I get in on this insider trading stuff? Project Mayhem has to pay his bills you know... throw some of that corruption my way, I need to eat...

Okay ZH readers, I know you want some hot INSIDER tips on how to profit from the failflu pandemic. Forget vaccines. We all know that's just a scam for Novartis, Baxter, GlaxoSmithKline, etc and you've already bought the call options on these bastards anywayz. Forget neuraminidase inhibitors. They are all total crap druqs anyway , and Rumsfeld has gone home with his millions from Gilead Bioscience (NASDAQ:GILD). What we want here is the V for Vendetta anti-failflu money-making pill!! And it sure as hell ain't Tamiflu!


What is this pill, you ask> IT IS is T-705, from Toyama Pharmaceutical!!! Yes , T-705 is an orally administered influenza polymerase inhibitor (way more useful than Tamiflu) patented and manufactured by Toyama Pharmaceutical of Japan (are they on the Nikkeii? someone check plz, lets make some yen!!) . Japan I would be most honored to be a guest! So this T-705 V for Vendetta pill, I think it's in clinical trials, phase II or something. A friend of mine called Toyama in Japan to get a sample of T-705, and the ppl on the phone got really suspicious, which means it must be good since Toyama won't share a sample for GC/MS and rodent dosing!! Okay so l