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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

The State Has Its Way, and the State Has No Mercy

• Speak Truth 2 Power
If you don’t think that the state can do anything it wants with you when matters of “urgent health concerns” are at stake, think again. This couple, described as elderly, but not much older than me and I suspect, a good many of you, had their lives literally ripped from them by the state.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by rainyday
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Comment by Lucky Red
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 The state can do - and in fact, it routenily does - anything it wants not only when it comes to matters of "urgent health concerns" but also when it comes to matters of presidential elections, torture, illegal wars, mercenaries, modern crusades, lying, spying on its citizens, planning & carrying out a "terrorist" attack on its own citizens and the list goes on and on and on.

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