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IPFS News Link • Constitution

Why does the obama administration seek to control the Internet?

• BlueLoriBlogSpot
I found this over at The Golden Truth but he had a lousy title so I didn't think many would read it since most are aware now that there are plans in the works so I retitled it to bring it to your attention since the article resonated with me what do you think? First Amendment Killer? My view on this is that the Government is getting more concerned about the growing unrest with the Government's failure to reign in the growing corruption in our banking and political systems and is looking for ways to limit the dissemination of information to the public by cutting off Internet access. Given the low probability of terrorism from sources external to the country, I would suspect that this means that the Government is increasingly concerned about how the public would respond to another massive banking crisis. Please note that the Patriot Act enables to the President to regard banking and financial market disruptions as "security threats." Caution...

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 I suppose Obama wants to control the Internet for the same reason that Bush wanted to control phone and electronic communications (hmmm...ain't that Internet?), freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom in general, etc. etc.:  because we are no longer living in a democracy, in 2001, we crossed the line into Fascism!  But, yeah, I suppose Obama had something to do with rigging that election too since he's so mighty and powerful and with hands in all things

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

I wonder if they ever sold it do you know?

Comment by rainyday
Entered on:

News Flash: Obama's former house in Jakarta up for sale
