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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

"Wall Street profits from trades with Fed"

There is currently a proposal that would require Congress to audit the Federal Reserve. The bill has 282 co-sponsors, which means it would easily pass the House. Yet someone in the House has buried the bill. The Fed, of course, does not want audited. Although the Fed gave hundreds-of-billions of money directly to Wall Street, the Fed has actually transfered trillions (nine trillion, by conservative estimates) through many subterfuges. Here is a recent example:

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

 That someone needs to be identified so that the American people can express their opinions. Is it possible that someone is getting paid off by the Fed ? I can't imagine that could happen since our congressmen are such honorable people and are there to represent the needs and will of the people.  Fear the people that you represent because we are angry.

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 NOOOOOOOOOOO!  Ya think?  This is a bigger revelation than the secret to slicing white bread!