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IPFS News Link • Social Security

Millions face shrinking Social Security payments

• AP
Millions of older people face shrinking Social Security checks next year, the first time in a generation that payments would not rise.

The trustees who oversee Social Security are projecting there won’t be a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for the next 2 years. That hasn’t happened since automatic increases were adopted in 1975.


3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Rick Stone - like a flea on a dog's ass...only dumber!

Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

 Hal Turner dribbles on again.

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 This shouldn't surprise anybody.  For the last 100 years, the US has fought imperialistic war after imperialistic war, it was plunder and pillaged the national reserve, it has given itself bail outs and bonuses, after all, money doesn't grow on trees...


All of the money for warmongering and bailouts has come straight from the Social Security reserve.  Next will be our 401ks and IRAs and then...well, I'm sure we'll be busy fighting a war with Iran to really notice that we the sheeple have no retirement.  And the Relicans will be fighting the monster under the bed, Santa Claus & the Easter Bunny while voting in favor of more wars in the ME and fighting to force women to have babies for the Army of God.