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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Pull the plug on HC bill! Doctor Speaks Out at Town Hall Event: (video)

• Youtube
Congressman Eric Massa represents the 29th district of New York and held the first of a series of Health Care town hall meetings about Health Care. He was faced with a split crowd of supporters and opponents and conducted a remarkable Town Hall meeting in the face of a large vocal contingent. In this clip he listens to a doctor say that the government is restricting who can attend medical school and is closing hospitals. Then goes on and buys the Talking point that the government will kill her mother.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by CharS
Entered on:

Hahaha. You give yourself away- -it was a "she" not a "he", and I've never seen anyone who was more 'of the people' than this lady doctor.

You might try knowing what you're talking about, sometime.   You know, *watching* before criticizing..... (sheeesh)



Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Wow!  How very noble and mighty of the good doctor to speak up at the townhall meeting on behalf of his own interests.  I mean, after all, if a real healthcare reform that benefits the working class is passed, the good doctor could stand to lose his Porsche, his beach house, his boat, his bleached-blonde bimbo mistress and who knows what else!