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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Army of the Lord? Obama Seeks Health Care Push From Pulpit

• Fox News
Thousands of religious leaders got a call from on high Wednesday as President Obama reached out to Jewish and Christian clergy, asking some to sermonize in favor of health care reform. If President Obama has his way, you'll soon be hearing about his health care package when you go to your church or synagogue to pray. Thousands of religious leaders got a call from on high Wednesday when Obama reached out to Jewish and Christian clergy, urging them to push health care reform from the pulpit. Obama spoke to about 140,000 people of faith in a conference call and webcast Wednesday evening. He and a White House official discussed the moral dimension of health care, telling the mostly Christian audience that "this debate over health care goes to the heart of who we are as a people."

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Oh, my lord!  A Socialist Communist Fascist like Obama seeking an allegiance with the Christers?  Not possible, says I but what say you?


You idiots!  If he didn't do this, he'd be wrong and a Socialist Communist Fascist Atheist but if he does, then, he's still wrong and I'm sure it means something horrible to y'all.  There's no pleasing you whackjobs, is there?