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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Obamacare could cost you $4,000 a year If the public insurance option is dropped, that's likely

(Someone has to PAY for those back room drug meetings!) The conclusion is shocking. Middle- and upper-middle class Americans could face an enormous increase in their premiums. The hit could easily approach $4,000 for someone earning less than $90,000 -- or more than double that increase as soon as the worker's pay hits six figures. That's because Obama's plan would collect hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes at the expense of medium earners, and re-channel the money into subsidies for the uninsured, low-income earners, and union retirees over age 55. And those big new taxes would pay for gold-plated plans that would become required coverage for everyone, whether they like it or not. "This is a tax game designed to squeeze money out of the middle class," says Joseph Antos, a health-care economist at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Wow!  A whole $4,000!  I'll take it, where do I sign up?

That would save me $4,000 of what I'm paying now on premiums only, not to mention the co-pays, the deductibles, the 20% I have to pay after I've given the thiefs $4,000 and all of that is, of course, subject to the whims and desires of the crooks' decision not to pay. 

So, bring it on, I'm ready and anxiously waiting for it!

Comment by jeff farias
Entered on:

 Kaiser Foundation estiamtes the average cost per family is $12,000 per year in insurance premiums.  So the Obama plan saves me $8000 per year.
  I'll take that deal any day.


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