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Townhall Forums Unmask Dark Side of American Culture

The right may have gotten more than they bargained for this time.

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by Freed Radical
Entered on:


Spare us this cheesy socialist propaganda, Lola. You & Red are wasting your time trolling on this intelligent libertarian website. Freedom is GOOD! Government is BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD!!!!! E
Comment by RShackleford
Entered on:

About the writer of the "opinion" article...

"Sandy LeonVest is the editor and publisher of SolarTimes, an independent quarterly energy newspaper with a progressive slant. SolarTimes is available online at, and distributed in hardcopy throughout the Bay Area and beyond. Sandy LeonVest's work has been published locally, as well as internationally, and includes 15 years in the news department at KPFA Radio in Berkeley, CA."

OK....Pick out the words in her bio...."progressive", "Bay Area", "Berkeley, CA."

and then ask yourself is this person mentally stable?

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

What a stupid article Dissent was Patriotic and Encouraged when bush was president shrill hillary said she was sick and tired of it if a code pink commie was criticized now all of a sudden don't question the messiah and his madness. Americans have the right to be armed. I have news for you it is not only the right but independents and libertarians and democrats who still have an ounce of common sense who are protesting. The communist left had people during the convention who were caught in the twin cities with molotov cocktails who did damage to innocent peoples property and to the looney left they were heros. Be careful what you wish for the freedom that we enjoy is but a whisk away from being gone you do not have to agree with what others are protesting about but if you had an ounce of common sense you would uphold and encourage their right to do so.

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Give the Right Wing dingolings a rope, sit back and relax and watch them hang themselves.  It never fails.