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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

Massachusetts Deputizes Dentists, Others to Help with Vaccinations

Massachusetts health authorities took the unprecedented step yesterday of deputizing dentists, paramedics, and pharmacists to help administer vaccines against both the seasonal flu and the novel swine strain expected to make a return visit in the fall.  

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Hawkeye
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We will see soon if Massachusetts is part of America...if these Dentist,Paramedics,and Pharmacist are willing to take off their mask and let their children see them at work.

Where in the hell do such people come from?

Well! the first one started in Mass,maybe the second will also.

Let`s see if we can get a Group Picture of the puss sucking bottom feeders that are willing to force Americans to take said shot(s)....I think they should bring their children with them to witness these events.